News and Notes, December 14, 2012

As we journey about, we encounter this …

  • Will someone explain to Susan Frise Hathaway the difference between a casualty and “dead”? She’s not the only one who makes this mistake, of course.
  • The SCV issues instructions detailing a plan of action addressing the situation at Dixie State College.
  • As you remember the sad events of today in Connecticut, remember this … and the silence with which all too many southern nationalists who frequent this blog greeted the news that such a person who could say such things was (and is) embraced by many of them.

23 thoughts on “News and Notes, December 14, 2012

  1. Noma December 14, 2012 / 3:24 pm

    Sidenote: At least some parts of SCV seem to be making an honest presentation. On the same facebook page one can note a photo honoring, “Caleb Glover, 1837-1920, Slave-Body servent of Col. Olin M. Dantzler. AWARDED THE SOUTHERN CROSS OF HONOR BY THE UDC. (22nd SC Infantry).”

    • Andy Hall December 14, 2012 / 5:43 pm

      That’s pretty interesting — there are lots of photos of former body servants waering various pins and badges from reunions, but I don’t think I’ve seen one before with the Southern Cross of Honor. That’s unusual.

      • M.D. Blough December 14, 2012 / 10:31 pm

        To me, the UDC and SCV “honoring” these enslaved men, is pretty much my reaction to Mormons who “baptize” Jews who were murdered in the Holocaust. That they are doing it for themselves, not for the deceased, the facts of whose life remain unchanged. However, I find their attempt to rewrite that history offensive because it takes away from the memory of that person many of the most central things about them, especially what they endured.

        • Andy Hall December 15, 2012 / 5:16 pm

          That picture’s unusual because it’s from a century ago, when groups like the UDC and UCV had no reticence about explaining that men like Glover were “faithful slaves” who “delighted in serving his white folks” (Confederate Veteran Magazine, October 1913). They made no pretense then about “black Confederate soldiers,” and while images of white veterans wearing that medal are common, I’ve never seen it worn by a former body servant.

  2. M.D. Blough December 14, 2012 / 10:31 pm

    As for Hathaway, apparently, she only felt the Confederates were worth remembering.

    • Brooks D. Simpson December 14, 2012 / 10:36 pm

      At least she’s honest about her prejudices. Some of her associates are not so candid.

      • Bummer December 15, 2012 / 9:30 am

        Bummer’s been dealing with these sicko’s since the ’60’s. The ideology hasn’t changed, just the faces and most have become more stealthy. The diehards, that you don’t hear or see,that keep below the government’s radar, are the neo’s to be concerned about. Those are the members in the hinterlands, armed and training for insurrection. It will never come, but the idea that these crazies are armed and in numbers, is enough of a nightmare in itself. They really believe in their cause and are mind-warped by the leaders, who are psychologically damaged in their own way. No more ranting from the “old guy”, have a great Sunday!


        • Bummer December 15, 2012 / 10:03 am

          Bummer is also damaged in his own way, Have a great Saturday! Another senior moment.


  3. Hunter Wallace December 16, 2012 / 11:44 am

    I’m not surprised that another mentally disturbed Yankee went on a shooting spree in an elementary school.

    • tonygunter December 16, 2012 / 5:07 pm

      WTF is that supposed to mean? Maybe you’ve forgotten two of the first modern school shootings were in Pearl, MS and Jonesboro, AR.

    • Brooks D. Simpson December 16, 2012 / 7:18 pm

      I’m not surprised by your reply. That’s why we are different. I would think anyone who could contemplate such an act or stand by it could not be simply dismissed as mentally disturbed, but highlighted as displaying the face of evil. I’m horrified and repulsed by what happened at Newtown. However, we both know southern nationalists who embrace someone who advocates such mass slaughter as part of his vision of the future.

      • Hunter Wallace December 17, 2012 / 12:43 am

        I don’t know of any Southern Nationalists who have perpetrated a mass slaughter of children. I usually associate such slaughters with the actions of the U.S. military in Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Japan, Germany, and other places.

        • Brooks D. Simpson December 17, 2012 / 8:06 am

          Ah, so Pat Hines’s statement does not bother you. Good enough. I would think that southern nationalists would move quickly to disavow what he said.

          • Hunter Wallace December 17, 2012 / 10:21 am

            Once again, I can’t think of a single Southern Nationalist who has ever shot up an elementary school full of children. OTOH, the federal government drops atomic bombs, napalm, and Agent Orange on children, and now it kills them with Predator Drones.

      • Rob Baker December 17, 2012 / 5:49 am

        CNN reported that the shooter suffered from a form of autism. More details are to come out later I’m sure. During my teaching internship a few years ago, I had to help restrain a student in the hall way because of a violent episode.The student, with some form of autism, attacked another student. I’m not so sure, until more evidence comes out of course, that Adam Lanza was the “face of evil,” but rather someone that did not get the help they required.

        Check this out:

        • Brooks D. Simpson December 17, 2012 / 8:07 am

          I doubt that Mr. Hines can claim the same reason for his deliberate outburst. The discussion about why Lanza acted as he did suggests that the evil in that case may be the manifestation of a mental illness coupled with access to certain weapons. We’ll see.

          • Rob Baker December 17, 2012 / 8:38 am

            Well said. This comment isn’t really a retort to your opinion but rather a build on the conversation. In my opinion, HW’s statement is rather disgusting.

          • Hunter Wallace December 17, 2012 / 10:25 am

            Obama’s imperialism has killed more children overseas than this lunatic in Connecticut.

          • Rob Baker December 18, 2012 / 12:11 pm

            No I didn’t vote for Obama, not that it is any of your business. Nor did I vote for Bush, who did the same thing, before him. Clinton, Bosnia. Bush the elder, Iraq. Reagan, Iran Contra. The list goes on and on. However, no one was talking about modern imperialism or Barack Obama.

          • Rob Baker December 17, 2012 / 8:41 am

            As well as Hines’s comments.

        • Lyle Smith December 17, 2012 / 9:19 am

          Autism or Aspergers (if true)… he had an abnormal mind. I know people with both and it is what it is. People in this condition more often than not, particularly at a young age, aren’t institutionalized and some parents do a better job than others, not that Nancy Lanza or her ex-husband even did a poor job. Who knows? He could have been receiving all kinds of help and love, and it might wouldn’t have mattered.

          I know a family where the teenage son lost it (I don’t know if he had autism or Aspergers, but he had a “troubled” mind), took a kitchen knife and tried to kill his family with it. He successfully killed his mother and wounded his father. His sister, who went to the same school as me, survived unharmed though. Some peoples’ brains just don’t work like they’re supposed to.

    • Brad December 17, 2012 / 8:15 am

      You’re an ass and should think about re-examining who you are and what you think (not much apparently).

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