A Different Type of Civil War Park

Over the years I’ve been to Shiloh several times and visited Corinth, Mississippi, as well.  Corinth’s really developed as a Civil War site over the years, and next time I’ll spend more time there … including a visit to the site of the contraband camp established there during the war.

Like Fort Monroe, which has received attention recently for becoming a park that will, among other things, commemorate the even that led to the origin of the word “contraband” to described former slaves who had escaped to Union lines, the NPS has opened a park dedicated to exploring the process from slavery to freedom.  Kevin Levin mentioned the park three years ago, so this post serves as something of an update to his comment.

There is no reason not to define “Civil War site” as something more than battlefields or places of military significance.  A site like this, much like Birmingham’s Kelly Ingram Park, tells an important story in moving ways.  I can’t wait to see it for myself.