
I’ve given various folks rather free rein to express their viewpoints to date on matters of race, race relations, and such.  People who still want to express themselves in these exchanges should understand that the time for such exchanges here is nearing its end.  Thanks.

12 thoughts on “Note

    • Roger E Watson January 19, 2012 / 3:18 pm

      All in favor……

  1. Corey Meyer January 19, 2012 / 1:32 pm


    I took my cue from Andy when dealing with this. Andy said that unless you post under your real name he would not post the comment. Funny, at my blog, Connie has kept her comments to a minimum and the person posting as Cornbread Bridgeman stopped altogether. I really think Cornbread was Connie playing devil’s advocate.

    • Andy Hall January 19, 2012 / 3:45 pm

      I don’t generally mind people posting with online handles. I drew the line at John C. Hall, Jr.’s posting as “Fortpillow” specifically because he had shown, over and over, that he uses that anonymity simply to be a nasty, vicious troll. I’m not willing to be a host to that foolishness.

      • Brooks D. Simpson January 19, 2012 / 3:57 pm

        Ah, John C. Hall, Jr. I haven’t heard from him in some time. I wonder why. 🙂

      • Brooks D. Simpson January 20, 2012 / 4:22 pm

        As an example of John C. Hall, Jr.’s attitudes, I present this:

        Levin is a jewish name of the tribe of the Levites….No doubt his is the typical liberal jew. Most of these types of jewish people are very liberal and see the South as a great evil. Not all are like this…I have a Jewish client from the Bronx….he loves the South and always askes me how is the war going….lol…..So consider the source…He won’t let me post on his blog either to defend the South..the hell with him…..

        Consider the source indeed.

        Even Connie Chastain seemed offended.

  2. Neil Hamilton January 19, 2012 / 4:18 pm

    Professor Simpson,

    Its always amazed me how brave, tall and strong a person becomes behind a false identity. Just like when a person gets behind the wheel of a car and can freely express themselves at how poorly all others drive their cars. Odd how that attitude changes when one is actually held accountable to the “real” person.

    My advice, cowards hide behind masks. If such are not willing to actually defend their views with their real identities, cut them lose.

    But its your forum, Professor, not mine.


    • Brooks D. Simpson January 19, 2012 / 6:11 pm

      You would be surprised how many people using fake names are discoverable. So it doesn’t protect nearly as many people as one might think.

  3. Matt McKeon January 19, 2012 / 8:13 pm

    Using online “handles” is a common internet practice and it doesn’t bother me as much as it does others, especially if the poster has a longstanding presence.

    I think in the case of folks who use multiple identities to troll is another matter.

    • Khepera January 20, 2012 / 10:45 am

      I’m one of the guilty ones. As you say, it’s an Internet practice of very long standing. And I’ve used the net for a very long time (when you had to use a UNIX shell and the web was just a gleam in someone’s eye at CERN). I actually chose this name because I couldn’t remember the password for my named WordPress account. 😦 (by the way, the 420 is NOT a reference to *that* 420)

      Of course, I’m not a troll and folks who have seen me post under my “real” name on other blogs likely recognize my content and style. I quite understand site owners who require people to use real names though. It’s amazing what vicious cowards feel is “free speech” as they hide behind their perceived anonymity. A local news outlet recently started requiring people to use a Facebook login instead of the screen names they’d used prior. It was a move to stop the racist, bigoted and hateful comments that had turned the forum into a cesspool. The ones who screamed the loudest about the change were the prime guilty parties. But it has really worked.

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