It Takes All Kinds

Sometimes it pays to live rent free in someone else’s head, if only for the amusement value. Take the case of Mike Lamb:

Brooks Simpson is more than an antagonist, he is a perfect example of what the system is composed of and has become. He gets a nice big fat pay check and the government accolades for defending their usurpation of our Rights. While anyone can call themselves a historian or anything else they desire and they can get government approved papers stating such, that does not mean they are experts in their claimed field. Simpson is one such character that also perfectly shows this. He gets government sponsored trips to spread the government propaganda as well as invited to all sorts of government approved historical events all in order to build his name and character. All of which is done in order to further the governments propaganda in retaining the status quo. What we see is also another good example of how the government spends your tax dollars in order to keep you enslaved to the system by educating the public with their propaganda.

Really? Really?

While Simpson is a Marxist in his core beliefs, a revisionist historian, that doesn’t mean he can understand the history he claims to teach. Anyone can memorize names, dates, places, documents and events, but it takes another added dimension in understanding what all that means, putting things into perspective considering context and today’s society. Simpson fails miserably here all because he already has his mind predetermined and disposed to another whole philosophy that is opposed to that of the Classic Western Civilization. Of course his ideas originated from Classic Western Civilization, they are opposed to it. Simpson simply interprets history, revising it to make it fit the Marxist agenda, plain and simple, and he gets paid big money for it as well as gaining much acclaim.

I’d love to know what makes me a Marxist.  Heck, it would be interesting to see whether Mike Lamb understands what it means to be a Marxist. Then he can explain it to Michael Lucas.

One day I hope to corner this bully in front of a much larger audience and he WILL be mine! He doesn’t know history, but he does know plenty of stats and much about revising history to suit the Marxist agenda, which includes the government. What I do is out of love of my fellow man, doing what is right by them. What Simpson does is for the lust of money and power. One day Truth will once again reign over mite!

That opening sentence suggests just how twisted Mr. Lamb’s fantasy life has become. Ahem.  Right over “mite,” indeed.

It says something about Mr. Lamb’s approach that none other that the gift that keeps on giving decided to block his contributions. Apparently that makes it “PC” … but, then again, he thinks I’m a Marxist.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that … especially when Mr. Lamb doesn’t know what he’s talking about in the first place.

17 thoughts on “It Takes All Kinds

  1. wgdavis November 27, 2012 / 10:41 am

    You dirty Marxist you! Who knew!

    Seriously, Lamb is looking at life through excrement covered glasses. I wonder what passes as his concept of ‘history.’

  2. Khepera November 27, 2012 / 10:42 am

    Pretty much speechless describes my reaction to this. I must say, though, that you’d better watch your back Professor Simpson; beware of being cornered in front of large audiences, ya lustful, avaricious, megalomaniac Marxist Mite! 😉

  3. rdb9507 November 27, 2012 / 10:42 am

    You certainly attract your share of nuts!!

  4. Incessant Needler November 27, 2012 / 11:43 am

    While people are entitled to their own opinions,it would be nice if they actually knew what they’re actually talking about. Clearly, Mike and Michael are off the Marx on many levels!

  5. gloine36 November 27, 2012 / 1:04 pm

    So this Mike Lamb is actually Tim Manning who ran a bookstore specializing in fictional polemic books about the Civil War and the role of government in America that oddly enough went out of business?
    Why am I not surpised that they have figured out how to network their lunatic rantings via the Internet?

  6. Charles Lovejoy November 27, 2012 / 1:34 pm

    I have come to view terms as “Marxist”,Communist, Fascist, and many others when use in modern political debates many times as lost their original meanings. Most of the time when they are used is when a person has nothing meaningful to inject in a decision, somewhat like when a mob starts chanting. At that point all logic and reason is gone.

  7. Buck Buchanan November 27, 2012 / 1:37 pm

    Well, Brooks, he may have something…

    After all, you ARE a Yankees fan!

      • Brad November 27, 2012 / 6:24 pm

        Maybe he hates the Islanders!

      • Ed Carson November 28, 2012 / 6:40 am

        Until recently, I would say the Yankees were the embodiment of a monarchy. When they were corporate capitalists(Late 1960’s and early 1970’s), they well and truly sucked and allowed the Red Sox, the Orioles, and the Athletics into the Series.

  8. Bob Huddleston November 27, 2012 / 3:30 pm

    A mity attack….

  9. Mark November 27, 2012 / 4:23 pm

    As a Republican and avid reader of this blog I am shocked to find I have been duped into joining a Marxist cabal! Brooks – you have obviously been very subtle and devious as you have woven your web to ensnare us. 🙂
    On the other hand, perhaps he’s referring to Groucho.

  10. Al Mackey November 27, 2012 / 9:01 pm

    Mr. Lamb is indeed a legend in his own mind.

  11. Rob Baker November 29, 2012 / 7:47 am

    I didn’t know ASU offered a big fat paycheck Brooks. Are they hiring?

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