Another Controversy in Lexington, Virginia

It appears that we are on the verge of yet another controversy in Lexington, Virginia, and it may be of interest to regular readers of this blog.

On July 8, 2015, the following ad appeared in the Lexington (Va) News-Gazette:

Agnor Ad

The ad (and the paper’s decision to run the ad) has created a lot of controversy. The paper is hearing about it on its Facebook page, and it’s deciding how to respond.

Billboard Hill Lane is located northeast of Lexington, west of I-64/I-81. There are several billboards there … and there’s something else flying in the neighborhood. Care to guess what it is?

Are we to assume that Karen Cooper’s no longer welcome to go to Billboard Hill north of Lexington to look at her beloved Confederate flag while reminding us that “slavery’s a choice”? Hint: she’s not a Democrat, so that shouldn’t bother her.

20 thoughts on “Another Controversy in Lexington, Virginia

  1. BillF July 20, 2015 / 4:07 pm

    Were black people and democrats on his property a big problem before he placed this ad? Just wondering….

  2. Al Mackey July 20, 2015 / 4:31 pm

    She’ll no doubt make an excuse for him.

  3. Jimmy Dick July 20, 2015 / 5:02 pm

    Let people like this advertise their racism and ignorance. It goes hand in hand with flying the rag. It also shows how this guy in particular conflates the Civil War with modern political ideology. Which of course just reinforces the fact that this guy is ignorant. If he runs a business, don’t use it. If he works at a business, don’t use it. Reject this guy and white trash like him.

    • Goad Gatsby July 21, 2015 / 11:27 am

      I don’t think that the problem is with Mr. Agnor. The troubling thing is that the Virginia Flaggers boast that the have a highway flag on his property while claim to be a non-racist organization..

      • Brooks D. Simpson July 21, 2015 / 11:29 am

        I note the silence is deafening from the Flaggers and their mouthpieces. They fail to defend Karen Cooper. Telling.

  4. Jim July 20, 2015 / 5:14 pm

    How are the other flags weathering. Are they fading on anything?

  5. Charlie July 20, 2015 / 5:26 pm

    Sounds like Jerry Dumbford.

  6. Sandi Saunders July 20, 2015 / 5:27 pm

    Wow, that is a very offensive and ignorant ad, but he sure proves why people revile that flag and its supporters. He is the worst thing the SCV could want and yet the flaggers embrace him…telling.

    Let’s see if the SCV says anything.

    • Jimmy Dick July 21, 2015 / 10:28 am

      Flying the rag is like having a sign that says, “Dumb Ass Lives Here!”

  7. Leo July 20, 2015 / 5:59 pm

    This is worth watching.

    As I noted in a previous thread, I’m old enough to remember segregated waiting rooms. I’ve seen grown men holding that flag call other human beings nigger. I’m sorry to be so blunt, but there is no way around the history of hate that flag was used to express. I understand regional pride. I understand honoring ancestors, but that flag has no place in a position of government authority. White southerners took it off the field of honor and turned it into the monster we are dealing with today. Getting angry at those offended by it is pointless and solves nothing. It only makes the situation worse and deepens the damage.

    We need to take a step back and talk to each other and not past each other.

    I’m watching my home state fragment while the political leadership here does nothing and it is breaking my heart.

  8. OhioGuy July 20, 2015 / 8:36 pm

    Andy and I need to pay this guy a visit and properly reconstruct him. 😉 All seriousness aside (as Steve Allen used to say), I really don’t think this idiot is worth paying a whole lot of attention to. Every community has its cranks who love the attention they get by making outrageous remarks. Now, if he was part of some larger group like the League of the South and was presenting some immediate menace that would be another matter, but from what I can gather he’s a “lone wolf” who simply wants to create a stir and will be encouraged by all the negative publicity that his ad draws.

  9. Rosieo July 21, 2015 / 5:24 am

    It’s kind of amazing that thing hasnt been shot down.
    Beautiful country! Wonderful photo.

  10. Brooks D. Simpson July 21, 2015 / 9:47 am

    Lookie here (for those reporting that they can’t see the ad):

    You might consider that it’s a browser issue. I encountered the same issue with comments on a newspaper article sent to me (not there on one, there on another).

    • Mousy Tongue July 21, 2015 / 10:52 am

      “until further notice” is a nice touch.

  11. Mousy Tongue July 21, 2015 / 9:52 am

    Reporting from Stafford for more “stay off my lawn!” news:

    A group called Virginia Flaggers raised the large confederate flag last year on Wayne Cash’s property. He refused to talk on camera and appeared to lock the door behind him.


    Cash is also flying the American flag upside down, a sign of distress.

    Neighbors say Cash recently put up another sign that says no trespassing.

    • Brooks D. Simpson July 21, 2015 / 10:00 am

      Monument watch … flagpole watch … where Tripp’s drone to provide eye in the sky security?

      • Mousy Tongue July 21, 2015 / 10:51 am

        Tatum’s pimping it out with a tiny cannon.

  12. bob carey July 21, 2015 / 11:50 am

    I was in Lexington last week, all of the people I encountered were nice enough, but I don’t think I ran into this fellow who paid for that obnoxious ad. I wonder if a black democrat were to offer to buy the property for an inflated sum whether or not he would let them on the property. I think he would in a New York minute.

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